One of the best ways to support Beneath the Wood is to sponsor one of our many residents. For as little as £4 a month (and you can pay in monthly instalments) you received a personalised sponsorship certificate, a BTW sticker and/or a BTW postcard, a newsletter and regular email updates. The sponsorship money will help cover food, bedding, vet bills and anything else that is needed for your animal.


 Tala came to Beneath the Wood as an underweight lamb … but she prospered at the sanctuary alongside her friend Pixie. She is now part of a gang with Odin, Paddy and Haven. Her name means Goddess of the Evening and Morning Stars!



One of the original #53 pigs, Squidgy is so called because he has the most squidgy face and enormous tusks. He is one of a group of five very large boys who believe they rule the roost at Beneath the Wood.



 Oak arrived at Beneath the Wood via the pound and emergency kennels. He didn’t like other dogs and wasn’t too keen on men either, but he is improving all the time. He is a very lively presence at the sanctuary.



Originally from Egypt, Karam came to Beneath the Wood from a rescue centre where his behaviour was deemed as “very difficult.” He is much happier now, and even mixes with other dogs too. Once you are his buddy, you are a buddy for life!



 A big, bouncy boy who arrived at Beneath the Wood after a serious incident at a foster home of another sanctuary. He doesn’t particularly like other dogs but he does love running and having fun … and he does that every day at the sanctuary.



 Two lovely supporters of Beneath the Wood chose Hope’s name … her two best friends were named Belief and Faith. Hope is one of the #53 pigs and has the most amazing, experessive ears … as you can see from the picture.



Rush was an unwanted Christmas present for a child and was left alone in a field for six years before finally being rescued. He lives at Beneath the Wood with his girlfriend Luna and has got over his reluctance to trust people. He can be a very cheeky boy at times!



Another of the famous #53 pigs, Spottie is a real darling …. a big confident and sassy girl who is very independent. She knows what she wants, when she wants it and how to get it. She is happy to eat, sleep and have a wander … and then do it again!



 Cheeky Cherry is one of the friendliest sheep at the sanctuary. Sasha says she believes Cherry thinks she is a Labrador dog! She loves having cuddles and especially like having her belly rubbed. She came to BTW as a tiny lamb about three years ago after her mother had rejected her.



Rambo, one of the famous #53, is also one of the 13 entire boars currently housed together in a lovely barn. Once they’ve been castrated they will join the main herd of pigs in the fields at Beneath the Wood. They are a very happy and inquisitive group of pigs



Jo came to BTW in 2015. She was an unclaimed stray and had been in emergency boarding kennels for a year with no one interested in homing her. She was very lively (and a little loopy at times!) and didn’t like other dogs. But she has settled down well and now loves visitors.



Despite their difficult start to life, the #53 pigs are a very affectionate bunch considering how they have suffered at the hands of humans. They have plenty of room to forage, loads of lovely food – here they are having carrots – comforting warm beds and they get lots of TLC.



 We are all of the entire boars of the Pembrokeshire rescue and are currently housed together in a lovely barn. We are very big but incredibly calm and gentle – some people think we resemble big cuddly Labradors!



Ali was a very small lamb suffering with chest infections when she arrived at BTW but Sasha bottle fed her, gave her lots of TLC and she is now big and strong. She can be very cheeky and likes to jump up on the other sheep when they get fed. She is best buddies with Ani and they spend most of their days together.



Ani came to Beneath the Wood in 2017 as a tiny three-week-old lamb. She was given to the sanctuary by a local farmer as her mother was only a yearling and had two lambs and couldn’t cope with feeding both of them. She is very friendly and loves a cuddle. She is best friends with Ali and they spend most of their days together.



Luna is a Welsh pony who arrived at the sanctuary a year or so ago as an unwanted pet. Her previous owner had told BTW she was nasty because she had apparently thrown the owner’s daughter off when she was riding Luna. But she is not nasty at all and is so happy that she can now relax without any expectation. She lives in total harmony with her boyfriend Rush.



Pumpkin is yet another of the #53 pigs rescued from some horrible conditions at an illegal slaughterhouse in Pembrokeshire. She is very friendly and big pals with Spottie, another of the #53 pigs, and they are usually found together.



Viva is one of the famous #53 rescued from an illegal slaughterhouse in Pembrokeshire, and she was named by Juliet Gellatley, the owner of the animal rights group Viva! and a kind supporter of Beneath the Wood sanctuary. She is big friends with VeeVee and follows her everywhere. They often snuggle up together in a quiet cosy shelter.



Tyler came to BTW from our vets, where he had been taken to be put to sleep because of what was deemed to be “bad behaviour.” He didn’t really like other dogs and he would bite as well if people startled him, especially when he was asleep. But he has become much happier since he met Sasha and is a much, much happier dog now.



Rainbow, another of the #53, was only a young pig herself when she gave birth to seven piglets soon after arriving at BTW. She got her name because there was a rainbow in the sky as she was giving birth. She is a confident and sassy girl, very independent and even a little pushy!



Phoenix is one of five very large and very scared castrated males from the #53 pigs. He’s seen and experienced the worst of humans and his eyes have seen things that should never happen. His association with humans is to expect imminent pain … but he now has a safe haven at Beneath the Wood where he lives a happy life.



Annie is one of the more recent arrivals at Beneath the Wood … she came from Devon. She has quickly settled in and made plenty of new friends, particularly Tansy, one of the racing pigs.



Daylight was a 2021 lamb who was rescued and bottle fed by volunteer Abi. She has become bosom buddies with Pixie since arriving at Beneath the Wood and is affectionate and playful. She also has some amazing patterns on her face!



Red (previously called Tyson) had been seized by the police for a second time following a serious biting incident. Fortunately the barrister on the case came to the rescue and BTW, with 25 years experience of handling dangerous dogs, had the perfect place for him – his own safe, peaceful and very secure kennel, and a large garden. Red has to stay here for the rest of his life  He has gaining confidence and learned to relax, though is confused and traumatised from his time spent in police kennels.



Ruby came to BTW as a tiny lamb. She was starving and infested with mites but has grown into a lovely girl who resides with the small flock of sheep at the sanctuary.



Brian is so handsome  … a tall, slim pig who boasts a huge personality! He has been nursed back to health at the sanctuary after suffering a bad leg injury.



Nelson is another of the famous #53 pigs rescued in 2019 and a big boy at well over three feet tall. He is very calm and friendly and loves human contact.



Izzie arrived at Beneath the Wood about five years ago after another emergency rescue felt she couldn’t be rehomed. She was snappy and growly but settled in well at the sanctuary. She is a real digger and can dig holes as big as herself.



Max came to Beneath the Wood around seven years ago from Little Angels Staffie Rescue. He had been living in a squat where he wasn’t treated very well and was identified as being “dangerous”. He is much better now and has calmed down into a lovely dog.



Poor Ted had no hair on his back and down his legs and had huge skin warts from constant scratching when he arrived at BTW. He had been left without any treatment for a flea infestation and allergy. But his skin is hugely improved and mostly grown back apart from a patch on his back.